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Cesur Aydin Kader, Gaş Selin
Evaluation of implant survival by analysing dental panoramic radiographs: 10-year retrospective study
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 1-6
Şalli Gülay Altan, Öztürkmen Zeynep
Evaluation of location of canalis sinuosus in the maxilla using cone beam computed tomography
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 7-12
Izgi Ayça Deniz, Kaya Eylem, Kale Ediz, Zortuk Mustafa
Effect of two antibacterial luting protocols with and without immediate-dentin-bonding on microtensile bond strength of glass ceramic to bur-cut cavity floor dentin
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 13-19
Karapinar Gökay, Özdal Zincir Özge, Ünür Meral, Vakur Olgaç Necat
The use of photodynamic therapy on medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: Animal study
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 20-28
Adiguzel Ozkan, Cangul Suzan, Adiguzel Artemisa, Erpacal Begum, Akkus Zeki
The proximity of mental foramen to mandibular first premolar teeth: Cone beam computed tomography analysis in Turkish population
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 29-33
Basavaraj Badiger Apoorva, Mavinakote Gowda Triveni, Govindaroy Venkatesh Usha, Shah Rucha, Gunjiganuru Vemanaradhya Gayathri, Basanagouda Patil Mallanagouda
Curtailing of myths and misconceptions regarding oral health among Indian adult population through health education and promotion: Cross sectional survey
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 34-40
Hadžić Zerina, Pašić Enes, Gojkov-Vukelić Mirjana, Hadžić Sanja
Effects of Lactobacillus reuteri lozenges (Prodentis) as adjunctive therapeutic agent in non-surgical therapy of periodontitis
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 41-45
Kaya İlhan, Tuğcu Funda
Evaluation of stress distribution on all-on-four concept and conventional implant designs: 3D finite element analysis
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 46-52
Adiguzel Ozkan, Cangul Suzan, Adiguzel Artemisa, Erpacal Begum, Akkus Zeki
Evaluation of the distance between the mental foramen and the mandibular edge: Cone beam computed tomography analysis in Turkish population
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 53-57
Poštić Srđan, Halilović-Asotić Ajdina, Kučević Esad, Asotić Amina, Džanan Damir, Asotić Bakir
Bosnian version of oral health of edentulous patients (OHIP-EDENT-B&H) questionnaire: Assessment of reliability and validity
Balk J Dent Med, 2021; 58-65