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Chatzistavrou Evangelia, Kolokitha Olga-Elpis, Lazaridis Konstantinos
Orthodontic management of patients with congenitally missing permanent teeth
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 63-70
Cesur Aydin Kader, Demirel Oğuzhan, Altan Salli Gülay, Özcan Mutlu
Evaluation of two dental digital imaging systems based on quality scorings, burn-out effects and cervical width determination
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 71-76
Popovska Mirjana, Osmani-Jusuf Žana, Radojkova-Nikolovska Vera, Evrosimovska Biljana, Mitić Kristina, Nikolovski Bruno, Spasovska Ana, Rusevska Biljana
The role of Helicobacter pylori in development of lesion in oral cavity
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 77-83
Jelenčiaková Nina, Petrović Bojan, Kojić Sanja, Jevremov Jovana, Hinić Stevan
Application of mathematical models and microfluidics in the analysis of saliva mixing with antiseptic solutions
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 84-90
Cagri Burdurlu Muammer, Cabbar Fatih, Dagasan Volkan, Kulle Cinar, Ozdemir-Ozenen Didem, Ozcakir-Tomruk Ceyda
Assessing the quality of life of dental students by using the WHOQOL-BREF scale
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 91-95
Sertac Ozdogan Mahmut, Gumusok Mustafa, Yucel Mihriban, Dinc Bedia, Mizrak Muzaffer, Gungormus Mustafa
Antifungal effect of silver nitrate on prosthodontic dentures
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 96-101
Egil Edibe, Menteş Ali
Taste perception in school children: Is there an association with dental caries?
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 102-106
Öztürk Ayla, Tayman Ayşe, Potluri Anitha
Observation of double mandibular canals and types of bifid canals in dry skulls
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 107-112
Kamalakidis Savvas, Papaemmanouil Georgios, Anastassiadou Vassiliki
Exploring factors influencing complete denture management of patient with Myasthenia Gravis
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 113-117
Chatzistavrou Evangelia, Andreadis Georgios
Noonan syndrome in 12-year-old male: Case report and orthodontic management of the occlusion
Balk J Dent Med, 2020; 118-126