Elona Kongo
Faculty of Medical Science, Albanian University, Albania
Background/Aim: Maxillary transverse deficiency often combines with retruded maxillary skeletal position causing a skeletal class III malocclusion. In these cases combination of rapid palatal expander and a facial mask to protract the maxilla is a very effective treatment protocol. When the maxilla is not deficient is it necessary to use palatal expansion before protracting? Should we use this combination because it has been proved to be effective? The aim of this paper is to show that maxillary protraction is also effective when applied without expanding the maxilla although there are some statistically significant changes.
Material and Methods: Two groups of 20 patients each, were created for this study. The first group were treated with rapid palatal expansion and face mask. In the second group, patients were treated only with face mask.
Results: Measurements made at T0 (prior to treatment) and those at T1 (after treatment) were statistically analyzed. At the end of the treatment patients of the 1stgroup showed significant difference for the values of SNA, SNB, ANB angles (p=0.000). Significant changes were observed also for the second group (SNA, SNB, ANB). The only differences between the two groups were observed regarding SNA angle (p=0.040) and maxillary incisor inclination (p=0.028).
Conclusions: At the end of treatment, all patients showed skeletal class III correction and improved facial appearance. Significant changes of SNA angle were observed for each group. There were also significant changes in the position of the mandible. These changes contributed in skeletal class III correction but there was no significant difference between them.
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