Molyvdas Ioannis, Digka Anna, Mikrogeorgis Georgios
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Dentistry, Department of Endodontology, Thessaloniki, Greece
Background/Aim: The aim of root canal treatment is the thorough cleaning, shaping and obturation of the root canals. Variations in root canal anatomy increase the difficulty of the root canal treatment and therefore the possibility of failure. The mandibular premolars often present complex anatomy and the existence of mandibular second premolars with three root canals is very scarce. This report presents the successful endodontic management of four mandibular second premolars with three root canals. Cases Report: In all cases working length was estimated using the working length radiograph and an apex locator. Canal orifices were enlarged with Gates-Glidden drills and manual instrumentation performed with Stainless Steel reamers and Hedstroem files, using either step-back or crown-down technique. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) 2.5% was used as an irrigant. Root canal obturation were then performed using the cold lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha points and Roth’s 801 canal sealer. The cases were scheduled for clinical and radiographic follow-up examination. Clinically in all follow-up examinations the teeth were asymptomatic. For the three cases with periapical lesions, post treatment radiographs, demonstrated periapical healing. Additionally, in the case without periapical lesion, the 9 months recall radiograph revealed healthy periapical conditions. Conclusions: Mandibular premolars should never be underestimated and the clinician should always be alerted for anatomic variations.
Keywords: anatomic variations; endodontic treatment; mandibular premolars; second; three root canals
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2020, vol. 24, br. 1, str. 49-52