Džemidžić Vildana, Redžepagić Vražalica Lejla, Jelesković Azra, Tiro Alisa
Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Stomatološki fakultet sa klinikama, Federacija BiH
Background/Aim: The aim of the research is to assess the psychosocial impact of malocclusion, to determine the relationship with the degree of need for orthodontic treatment, and to assess the influence of gender on this relationship in adolescents. Material and Methods: A total of 100 subjects, aged 12 to 18, participated in the research. The subjects had no previous orthodontic treatment. The assessment of the need for orthodontic treatment was performed using the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), namely the Dental Health Component (DHC) and the Aesthetic Component (AC). The psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics was assessed using the PIDAQ questionnaire. Results: The total PIDAQ score, as well as its 4 subclasses, dental self-confidence, psychological impact, social impact and aesthetic concern have a positive correlation with the categories of the IOTN. The psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics is similar in boys and girls, except that girls showed a slightly greater aesthetic concern due to the presence of malocclusion. Conclusions: The present malocclusion has a psychological and social impact on the individual, but it also negatively affects his dental self-confidence and aesthetic concerns. The results of the PIDAQ questionnaire can guide the orthodontist to the patient’s basic problem and thus provide guidelines for orthodontic treatment.
Keywords: Orthodontics; Psychosocial Impact; Malocclusion; Dental Aesthetic; Orthodontic Treatment Need
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2023, vol. 27, br. 2, str. 118-123