Öztürk Aylaa, Tayman Ayşeb, Potluri Anithac
aOndokuz Mayıs University, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Periodontology, Samsun, Turkey
bAnkara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Periodontology, Ankara, Turkey
cUniversity of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Pittsburgh, USA
Background/Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess prevalence and morphologic mandibular canal variations in dry skulls. Material and Methods: Panoramic radiographs were obtained of 57 skulls among the academic collection at the University of Pittsburgh. Orthodontic wire was inserted through the mandibular canal as a reference point at panoramic images for localization of the course of the mandibular canal. Results: Double mandibular canals were present in 2 out of 57 skulls (3,5%); one of them was unilateral the other one was bilateral. Additionally, bifurcation of the mandibular canal and different types of configurations were assessed. In five of the specimens (8,8%) bifid canals were identified. Among them, one case (1,7%) was identified as a forward type. In one case additional canal (1,7%), was detected in the retromolar region, which joined the main canal. Three of the specimens (5,3%) showed accessory canal types. These were the canals that detached from the main canal and proceeded towards the molar teeth roots (dental type). All of these bifid canal types were unilateral. Conclusions: Our results depicted the anatomical variations of the mandibular canal. Dental practitioners should be aware of this underestimated but not a rare occurrence of mandibular canal variations in order to avoid complication during surgical procedures.
Keywords: mandibular canal; anatomic variations; inferior alveolar nerve; panoramic radiographs; oral surgery
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2020, vol. 24, br. 2, str. 107-112