Đorđević Aleksandara, Mikić Mirkob, Stanišić Jelenaa, Đorđević Filipa
aUniverzitet u Prištini sa privremenim sedištem u Kosovskoj Mitrovici, Medicinski fakultet
bMedical Faculty Podgorica, Podgorica, Montenegro
Background/Aim: Implant treatment expands extensively the possibilities of prosthetic treatment, which provide benefits, bigger comfort as well as general improvement of the patient’s life quality. In cases with no possibility of implantation, it is possible to improve conditions by using modern methods for bone tissue repair. One of factors important for the long-term success is proper oral hygiene, as well as raising awareness of its importance to patients. The aim of the paper is to present a patient rehabilitated with multiple implants and followed-up for a five-year period, and to point out the importance of raising patient’s awareness and motivation in order to preserve the results of the treatment. Case Report: A 31-year-old patient was admitted to the oral surgery clinic for rehabilitation of a poor oral health status. After taking history, clinical examination and additional analysis, the following treatment plan was suggested: to remove impacted upper canines and to put an implant supported by fixed prosthesis in the upper jaw, to make two implants supported by bridges laterally and one dental supported by bridge in the inter-canine sector in the lower jaw. The treatment was carried out in several stages that involved extraction of residual roots and impacted teeth, augmentation of bone defects with bone substitutes and bio-absorbable membranes, placing implant, and prosthetic rehabilitation. By verbal communication with the patient, we pointed out the importance of proper oral hygiene and regular check-ups. The five year follow-up showed the absence of factors that could adversely affect the success of the treatment, and the patient was still highly motivated to maintain proper oral hygiene. Conclusions: It is possible to achieve predictable results in complex cases by using a multiphase prosthetic treatment supported by implants. Concerning a long-term success, motivation, proper information and patient’s willingness to cooperate play an important role.
Keywords: Dental Implants; Motivation; Quality of Life; Rehabilitation
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2019, vol. 23, br. 1, str. 40-44