Hegazi Hend Mahmoud Mohamed
Cairo University, Department of Removable Prosthodontics, Egypt
Background/Aim: A problem of congenitally missing lateral incisors is frequently encountered in dentistry, with several available treatment modalities, the choice depending on each case. Case Report: A young female patient with bilateral missing lateral incisors was in need for dental treatment for esthetics. She had spacing among the upper anterior teeth with class I molar relationship. Orthodontic space creation was carried out followed by two-piece mini dental implant placement. Two-stage protocol was followed. After osseointegration, implants were exposed. Healing collars were installed to allow mucosal healing. Closed tray implant level impression was taken. Zirconium crowns were chosen for optimum esthetic results. Conclusions: Mini-implants can be used successfully for restoring congenitally missing lateral incisors after space opening. Esthetic results can be enhanced using Zirconium crowns.
Keywords: Congenitally missing lateral incisors; Mini-implants; Angled abutments; Zirconium crowns
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2019, vol. 23, br. 1, str. 45-49