Özden Yunus Emre, Erkul Selen, Bal Burcu, Kayahan Zeynep Özkurt
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Prosthetic Dentistry, Turkey
Background/Aim: 3D printing technology has become increasingly prevalent in the field of dentistry. Research is ongoing regarding the usability of resin-based 3D printed temporary crowns in clinical applications. Marginal fit of 3D printed interim restorations produced from digital impressions obtained with intraoral scanners may vary according to the geometry and inclination of the axial walls of the abutment tooth. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal fit of 3D printed interim crowns fabricated over conventional and reverse-tapered preparations. Material and Methods: Crown preparations with known total occlusal convergence (TOC) angles (-8°,-4°, 0°, 8°, 12°, 16°, and 22°) were digitally created from a maxillary central incisor and printed in acrylic resin. Then, prepared tooth models (n=7) were scanned 10 times with an intraoral scanner (TRIOS3, 3Shape Inc, Denmark). Each experimental scan was used to design and fabricate a 3D printed interim anatomically contoured crown. Vinyl polyether silicone was used three times to assess the marginal discrepancy of the specimens by measuring five marginal points on digital photographs for each surfaces (buccal, mesial, distal, lingual). Marginal fit measured values did not follow a normal distribution; therefore, the Kruskal-Wallis and the Dunn/Bonferroni multiple comparison tests were applied (p = 0.05). Results: Marginal gap values were found significantly higher (p<0.05) in crowns produced for specimens with-8 and-4 degrees axial wall than other specimens. Conclusions: Negative inclination of the axial walls adversely affects the marginal fit of crowns produced with 3D printing technology.
Keywords: 3D printed crowns; marginal fit; additive manufacturing
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2024, vol. 28, br. 2, str. 133-137