Zincir Özge Özdala, Karapinar Gökayb, Ünür Meralc, Katiboğlu Ahmet Bülenta
aBeykent University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey
bPrivate Practice, Istanbul, Turkey
cIstanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey
Background/Aim: A factor affecting the success rate of dental implants, which has been used successfully for many years, is the implant-abutment connection system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution of different implant-abutment connection systems under different forces. Material and Methods: This in vitro study included a finite element analysis. In the study, the cylindrical and screwed dental implants available in 3 different diameters from 4 different companies were categorized into 12 different models. Two different scenarios of force application were conducted on each model in this study. In the first scenario, 100 N force and 100 N moment were applied in a vertical direction onto a point considered as the center of each tooth. In the second scenario, a 100 N force and moment were applied at a 45˚ angle in an oblique direction. Results: As a result of the forces applied to dental implants of different diameters from different companies, octagon implant-abutment connection systems had less stress accumulation than hexagon implant-abutment connection systems. In addition, when stress accumulation ratios were evaluated according to the diameter of the implants used, it was observed that 3 mm diameter implants accumulated more stress in bone than 4 mm diameter implants; there was no significant difference between 4 mm diameter implants and 5 mm diameter implants. Conclusions: Implant-abutment connection system is important for the longevity of implants under the forces. Therefore, this factor should be considered during implant selection.
Keywords: dental implant; stress distribution; finite element analysis; implant-abutment connection
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2019, vol. 23, br. 3, str. 126-131