Matić-Petrović Sanjaa, Đorđević Mihajloa, Radunović Milenab, Živanović Tanjab, Pavlica Dušana, Pucar Anaa
aUniverzitet u Beogradu, Stomatološki fakultet, Klinika za parodontologiju i oralnu medicinu
bUniverzitet u Beogradu, Stomatološki fakultet
Background/Aim: Geographic tongue (GT), a benign self-limiting condition (inflammation) is commonly seen in practice. Although quite easy for clinical diagnosis, in clinical practice it is commonly misdiagnosed and treated as Candida infection. The main aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of Candida spp. on tongue in patients with GT and subjects with clinically healthy oral mucosa. Additional aims were to evaluate subjective symptoms, uncontrolled usage of prescribed or non-prescribed antifungal topical medications and the presence of the cancerophobia or other health concerns in patients with GT. Material and Methods: A total of 70 subjects were divided into two groups: Group B – patients with diagnosed Geographic tongue and group A – aged and gender matched controls with clinically health oral mucosa. Anamnestic charts designed for this study included information about symptoms (measured by Visual Analogue Scale), previous knowledge or fear about presence of GT and received therapy for this condition. Detection of Candida spp. from tongue was done using sterile cotton swab and Sabouraud dextrose agar. Results: At the time of this study, 18 (52.94%) of subjects with GT were aware of having this condition and even 12 of them (66.7%) used topical antifungal drugs prescribed by physician. Also, 66.7% of them experienced fear about the presence of GT at some moment. Detection of Candida spp. was similarly distributed in both groups (22.2% in group A and 17.6% in group B). Conclusions: Geographic tongue has frequently been treated by topical antifungal drugs. In this study, GT was not associated with presence of Candida spp.
Keywords: Candida; geographic tongue; glossitis; benign migratory
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2019, vol. 23, br. 3, str. 152-156