Athina Dalopoulou1 / Nikolaos Economides2 / Vasilis Evangelidis3
1Undergraduate student, Aristotle University, Dental School, Thessaloniki, Greece
2Associate Professor, Aristotle University, Dental School, Thessaloniki, Greece
3Graduate student, Dental School, Thessaloniki, Greece
Background: Extrusion of root canal sealers may cause damage to the surrounding anatomic structures. Clinical symptoms like pain, swelling and paresthesia or anesthesia may be present. The purpose of this presentation is to describe two cases of root canal sealer penetration into periapical tissues. A different treatment management was followed in each case.
Case reports: A 55 year-old man underwent root canal retreatment of the right mandibular first molar tooth due to a periapical lesion. Postoperative periapical radiographs revealed the presence of root canal sealer (AH26) beyond the apex in the distal root in proximity to the mandibular canal. The patient reported pain for the next 7 days. Radiographic examination after 1 year showed complete healing of the periapical area and a small absorption of the root canal sealer. A 42 year-old woman was referred complained of swelling and pain in the area of the right maxillary first incisor. Radiographic examination showed extrusion of root canal sealer in the periapical area associated with a periapical lesion. Surgical intervention was decided upon, which included removal of the sealer, apicoectomy of the tooth and retrograde filling with MTA. After 1 year, complete healing of the area was observed.
Conclusion: In conclusion, cases of root canal sealer extrusion, surgical treatment should be decided on only in association with clinical symptoms or with radiographic evidence of increasing periapical lesion.
Keywords: Extrusion; Root Canal Sealer; Symptoms; Treatment Management
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Citation Information: Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine. Volume 21, Issue 1, Pages 12–18, ISSN (Online) 2335-0245, DOI:, March 2017