Paken Gamzea, Karagözoğlu İremb
aUsak University, School of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Usak, Turkey
bGaziantep University, School of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Gaziantep, Turkey
Background/Aim: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of mechanical and chemical denture cleansing methods on dental attachments of varying retention with a scanning electron microscope. Material and Methods: An implant analog and a male part of a dental attachment were embedded into an acrylic block, and an abutment was screwed onto the analog. Different locator attachments with varying retention were tested using different denture cleansing methods and tap water for a time simulating 12 months of clinical use. A pull-out test was performed for each attachment, followed by analysis of the samples with a scanning electron microscope. Results: For the blue attachment group, there was no statistically significant difference between the retention values of control and chemical and mechanical denture cleansing groups (p>0.05). The clear and pink attachments were affected by chemical and mechanical denture cleansing, and had significantly decreased retention values compared to the control group (p<0.05). For both types of attachments, the mechanical cleansing group exhibited the lowest retention loss value. Scanning electron microscopy results showed that surface irregularities, scratch lines, and deformations were detected in chemical and mechanical denture cleansing groups for all types of retentive attachments. Conclusions: Both attachment systems with different retentions were influenced by the denture cleansing method. Considering the results, clinicians could recommend the most appropriate method to patients, one that does not adversely affect the properties of the retainer parts. Clinicians should not advise using mechanical and chemical denture cleansing methods to protect the long-term retention of pink and clear attachments.
Keywords: complete denture; dental hygiene; dental implant’s; overdenture
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2022, vol. 26, br. 3, str. 183-187