Badar Bilal Sheikha, Ghafoor Robiaa, Hameed Hasan Muhammada, Anwer Natashab
aAga Khan University Hospital, Department of Surgery, Dental section, Karachi, Pakistan
bJinnah Medical and Dental College, Dental section, Karachi, Pakistan
Background/Aim: The management of horizontal root fracture is not straight forward. It depends upon the location of the fracture, mobility and vitality of fractured tooth segment. The goal of treatment is to restore the shape and function of affected tooth. Case report: This following case report described the conservative management of horizontal root fracture which was also displaced but somehow maintained its vitality. The affected tooth was initially stabilized and followed up in the subsequent appointments for evaluation of vitality that turned out to be vital, thus, preventing any unnecessary intervention. Conclusions: Horizontal root fractures in the vital teeth should be initially managed conservatively and every effort should be made to preserve the vitality of tooth.
Keywords: horizontal root fracture; vital tooth; conservative management; displaced fracture; splint
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2018, vol. 22, br. 3, str. 167-170