Korkut Bora, Tüter Bayraktar Ezgi, Tağtekin Dilek
Marmara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Istanbul, Turkey
Composite plastering technique (CPT) is a novel restoration improvement technique for eliminating and re-contouring the marginal defects. Restoration-related interproximal contour deficiencies such as dark triangles beneath the contact point following direct class II restorations, the gaps at the interproximal cavity step following indirect cementations, and the gaps at the interproximal wall following class III restoration layering procedures can be corrected using the CPT. The technique may also be used as a layering step during the free-hand layering in diastema closure restorations. Contour deficiencies on interproximal surfaces which lead to the renewal of restoration and periodontal damages can be prevented by additional direct composite build-up using the CPT. The technique can be performed either immediately after the restoration directly or long after by using the composite repair protocol. It focuses on filling and re-contouring the surface of the deficiency by using a mylar strip actively under rubberdam isolation. Composite is loaded between the strip and the tooth surface and the strip is pulled slightly in palato-buccal or the opposite direction depending on the location of the defect, to fill it by plastering the composite. It may contribute the longevity of the restoration by improving the emergence profile and correcting the interproximal contour. Re-contouring of the interproximal surface defects by CPT is a useful approach to improve the esthetics as well as the function of anterior and posterior direct and indirect restorations which may also prolong the longevity.
Keywords: composite plastering technique; CPT; composite build-up; emergence profile; marginal deficiency; re-contouring
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2023, vol. 27, br. 1, str. 8-14