Sait Ege Eryürük1, Canan Hekimoğlu2, Elif Tuba Akçin1, Yeliz Çavuşoğlu3
Background/Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate compatibility between visual and digital color measurement methods.
Material and Methods: The color measurement components of intact natural maxillary right central incisor and left canine teeth of eighty patients were measured with visually shade guide and, digitally, with digital device. The color matchings were performed for each teeth on labial surfaces divided into three regions: cervical, middle and incisal. Ligthness, MLR (M: means middle hue, L designates greener, R designates redder) and chroma levels were assessed for each tooth on divided regions respectively. Measurements were performed by the same and experinced dentist with healthy eyes. The data were analyzed with Kappa and weighted Kappa coefficient (p< 0.05).
Results: The compatibility between visual and digital methods did not exist for MLR and chroma. The compatibility between both methods were determined only for ligthness of maxillary central and canine teeth at all regions of labial surfaces.
Conclusions: There was compatibility only for ligthness of intact natural teeth at all regions with both methods.
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