Katana Elma, Šačić-Selmanović Lejla, Marković Nina, Bajrić Elmedin, Zukanović Amila, Arslanagić-Muratbegović Amra
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Dentistry with Clinics, Federation of B&H
Background/Aim: The aim of the research was to examine the general attitude, knoweledge and practice of pediatricians about caries in children of preschool age. Material and Methods: The research was conducted from November 2019 to the end of January 2020. The research consisted of a survey of pediatricians. The questionnaire consisted of 4 modules and 37 questions, which related to the attitude, knowledge and practice of pediatricians on the prevention of early childhood caries. Results: The majority of pediatricians (84.9%) stated that they assess the nutrition of their patients, while 32.1% of them always do oral health assessment, and half of them in the second month of the child’s life; and 39.6% assess oral health only if there is a problem. The majority of pediatricians (86.8%) recommended the first dental examination, most often in the first year of the child’s life (79.5%), and then every 6 months (43.5%). The majority of respondents did not required information about the dental health of their patients’ mothers, fluoride toothpastes and topical application of fluoride as well (62.3-75.5%). The majority of pediatricians (79.2%) have never provided or sometimes provided educational material on caries prevention and control to the parents of their patients. The most accurate answers and the highest percentage of correct answers that the pediatricians had were about attitudes (Z=8.98, 66.63%), while the fewest correct answers and the lowest percentage of correct answers regarding the practices on the prevention of early childhood caries (Z=11.91, 58.90%). Conclusions: The research showed that pediatricians have the good attitudes and knowledge, but do not implement prevention of early childhood caries in practice. The basic deficiency of attitude, knowledge and perception of the importance of prevention is a consequence of insufficient education of pediatricians.
Keywords: dental caries; ecc; pediatrician
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Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, 2023, vol. 27, br. 1, str. 43-50