Miloš Nikolić1 / Tatjana Marković2 / Dejan Marković3 / Jasmina Glamočlija1 / Ana Ćirić1 / Marija Smiljković1 / Marina Soković4
1Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, University of Belgrade Belgrade,Serbia
2Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Josif Pančić”, Belgrade,Serbia
3Faculty of Dental Medicine Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade,Serbia
4PhD, Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, University of Belgrade Belgrade, Boulevard Despota Stefana 142, 11000 Belgrade,Serbia
Chemical composition, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of commercial essential oils’ samples from the aerial plant parts of H. officinalis, R. officinalis and S. officinalis were investigated. Analyses by GC-FID and GC-MS confirmed 52 oil components. The major constituent of the H. officinalis oil was cis-pinocamphone (34.4%), followed by transpinocamphone (23.3%), and β-pinene (11.3%). Analysis of R. officinalis oil revealed 1.8-cineol as a major constituent (43.8%), as well as transpinocamphone (12.5%), α-pinene (11.5%) and β-pinene (8.2%). The most dominant constituent of S. officinalis oil was cis-thujone (32.7%), in addition to camphor (17.2%), 1.8-cineol (10.1%), α-pinene (8.6%), transthujone (7.7%) and camphene (7.3%). The essential oil antimicrobial activity assay was performed by the use of microdilution method against oral Candida spp. and bacteria, the major causative agents of a number of human oral disorders; all of them were susceptible to tested concentrations of H. officinalis, R. officinalis and S. officinalis essential oils, although the oil of S. officinalis exhibited the lowest antimicrobial potential. The results obtained in this study encourage use of investigated essential oils from Lamiaceae family in development of safe natural agents for prevention and/ or alternative therapy of human oral diseases. However, a special care during development of an effective natural preparation is required.
Keywords: Oral Pathogens; Antimicrobial Activity; Essential Oils; H. officinalis; R. officinalis; S. officinalis
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Citation Information: Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine. Volume 20, Issue 3, Pages 160–167, ISSN (Online) 2335-0245, DOI:, November 2016